My homeless tutor didn't show. Who would have thought that homeless people are flaky. I haven't decided if I will try again. I still want to learn more Sign Language, I have tried 2 deaf tutors in the past who both flaked on me so I guess it should not be a surprise that homeless guy did too.
I have to say that for such a welcoming culture, learning the language seems to be something that is either inherited through deaf family members or taught in the school system. I do not have access to either of those.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Putting yourself out there
When exactly do we stop putting ourselves out there? Connecting with others, making new friends? I seem to have missed the gene that pulls the plug on the childlike faith in humankind. I recklessly put myself out there to meet new people, engage in conversation with strangers who could end up being friends. I have many times been told, you are to trusting, you better be careful talking to people, one of these day's you will come across a crazy. I don't know if God just made me defective like that or if my hope and optimism in my fellow humans is just different. Here is why I write this.
I saw a young man holding a cardboard sign saying DEAF and HOMELESS please help. I thought about him all that day, wondering if he was really deaf or just using that as a hook to get people to give him money. I went back the next day and found him again. I parked my car and got out .
I signed You Deaf? he nodded and pointed at me You Deaf?
I shook my head and signed I want to learn Sign Language, you want to teach me?
He nodded and signed yeah, now?
No, here is my business card, can you come to my office Monday morning?
Yes, what time
OK, thank you.
Thank you.
I got in my car and drove away. I felt exhilarated, a chance for a win/win situation. He needed a job and I needed a tutor. I came home to tell my family and was met with laughter and mockery.
"I bet he told his friends he met this tall beautiful woman while he was out hustling" hahaha
"Why are you propositioning men on the street" hahaha
"He is homeless, he wont show"
"Why do you do these things, you gave him your card, he could be dangerous?"
It gnawed at me all night. I played along and assured them it did not go down like that, no propositioning him, he was not a creepy homeless man who was talking to himself with a shopping cart. This was a kid, 20 maybe who needs a chance. I felt like kicking myself for even bringing it up. I should just keep these things to myself and tell people after they are successful. I give up trying to make myself fit into the mold of this world. I will just have to trust God and ignore the haters.
I will post again if he shows up on Monday.
I saw a young man holding a cardboard sign saying DEAF and HOMELESS please help. I thought about him all that day, wondering if he was really deaf or just using that as a hook to get people to give him money. I went back the next day and found him again. I parked my car and got out .
I signed You Deaf? he nodded and pointed at me You Deaf?
I shook my head and signed I want to learn Sign Language, you want to teach me?
He nodded and signed yeah, now?
No, here is my business card, can you come to my office Monday morning?
Yes, what time
OK, thank you.
Thank you.
I got in my car and drove away. I felt exhilarated, a chance for a win/win situation. He needed a job and I needed a tutor. I came home to tell my family and was met with laughter and mockery.
"I bet he told his friends he met this tall beautiful woman while he was out hustling" hahaha
"Why are you propositioning men on the street" hahaha
"He is homeless, he wont show"
"Why do you do these things, you gave him your card, he could be dangerous?"
It gnawed at me all night. I played along and assured them it did not go down like that, no propositioning him, he was not a creepy homeless man who was talking to himself with a shopping cart. This was a kid, 20 maybe who needs a chance. I felt like kicking myself for even bringing it up. I should just keep these things to myself and tell people after they are successful. I give up trying to make myself fit into the mold of this world. I will just have to trust God and ignore the haters.
I will post again if he shows up on Monday.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Recipes from the cookie jar # 3
Recipe card: Peanut Butter Pie
Recipe information:
This pie does not require baking, mixing only
8 oz
cream cheese
8 oz cool whip
3 cups
powdered sugar
1 cup
graham cracker crust
all ingredients and mix until light and fluffy
in crust, refrigerate for 2 hours (or more)
TIP: Pie will soften the longer it is
left out of the refrigerator.
Recipe card template: Snickers Salad
Recipe information:
This is a sweet salad
1 large box vanilla pudding (instant)
8 oz cool
pudding and 1 cup of milk (do not follow recipe on box)
cool whip to pudding mixture
apples and snickers into bite size pieces and add to mix
until blended then refrigerate
TIP: this is a
very sweet salad, meant for dessert.
Make sure you put it with desserts so people don’t assume it is potato
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Mood Ring Moment
Do you remember mood rings? We all had them at some time in our life, they were cheap metal rings with a mysterious color changing stone that detected your mood and changed the color to match it. They always came with a mood color decoder which you invariably lost and when people asked you "what does purple mean?" you would say, oh it means I am (fill in the blank with whatever you thought it meant). I think women should come with a mood ring decoder. It would be helpful in friendships, relationships and all interaction with the human race. I feel like my mood ring is out of whack right now. I am fluctuating between all colors of the mood ring. So this post is rally flag for all of us who have mood ring days. There is always the possibility of this being a "female thing" or a "hormone imbalance" or straight out PMS but I choose to put on my mood ring and let the world know, we all have these times of indecision. Before you have a judgmental moment with someone else, put on your mood ring and assess where you are before you take on someone else, they might be having a tough mood ring moment.
Mood Beads and Mood Jewelry Color Meanings
For Fun - "Entertainment" OnlyWednesday, June 6, 2012
Degrees of friendship
I am a lucky woman, I have a solid set of friends from grade school that carried me through my high school years. I have a solid set of friends from college who helped me form into the woman I am today. I now have a solid group of friends that I met as an adult. Each pocket of friendships are different, separate and unique. I wonder how I got so lucky to have so many groups of wonderful friends in my life. A statement that my father made to me when I was young springs to mind. I am an only child and my father told me 'you don't have siblings so your friends will need to become your family' It has been true my whole life. I have gravitated toward people who are true and good and trustworthy. There are some common elements in the friendships that I have, I am the tallest of all my friends (not a big shock) there is always a friend in the group of friends that is closer, that I confide in more. However each member of the friendship group is uniquely special and we fit together nicely in a groove that only we share. An overwhelming theme in both highschool and college groups was a protective mode, I am often unaware of how I am seen by members of the opposite sex and those two groups would run interference when I was slow to realize that someone was hitting on me. This trait did not seem to make it into the adult friendships although I wish it had. All three groups had fairly similar political and religious similarities. But the theme who defines every person in all three groups and the people in my life who don't fit nicely in a group is caring for others. A giving heart, standing up for the little guy. That is the most endearing quality I have ever found in the human race. Thank you to all of you who enrich my life, make me a better person and complete my family.
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