
Thursday, November 28, 2013


My amazing husband, who one year ago was in the hospital with acute necrotizing pancreatitis has now decided that we are going to get fit.  T25 was purchased and we have started.  Who starts a fitness routine between Thanksgiving and Christmas?  Apparently we do. 

Now for those of you who don't know.  T25 is the workout routine from Beach Body.  aka Shaun T.  He is the creator of Hip Hop Abs, P90X and Insanity.  This is the latest in his dynasty of fitness. 

We are 3 days in and so far I appreciate the 25 minutes rather than an hour workout.  It is intense and I feel like a quivering blob of jelly at the end.  But this is something I can do. 

What is the worst that can happen in 25 minutes, Right?

Saturday, November 9, 2013


I had all the students write something they were grateful for.  Included them on a bulletin board.

the white things at the bottom are students who wrote on the wrong side.  There are a few in every school.