
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Just a spoon full of compassion makes the world go around

  I think when God was handing out characteristics, I got an extra dose of compassion.  I am able to look at the unlovable an invisible of our society and that is where my heart starts beating.  I just finished watching Pit Bulls and Parolee's.  Before now, I had never had the pleasure of watching this show.  The concept is that Tia, the owner takes the most misunderstood people and animals in our society and pairs them up to run a pit bull sanctuary.  Cool concept.  I don't work with dogs or felons but since both of those populations have probably had abuse in their past, I get the concept.  I work with children who have been victims of childhood abuse, I see what happens to children when the most horrible acts have been their existence.  So I understand that violent reactions come from trauma that has been stuffed down for years.  This week I went to a training on Trauma Informed Care (TIC).  This is a relatively new way of thinking about people who have had trauma in their history and how it effects every moment of every day.  Although probably not clinically trained as a therapist, the owner and star of this tv program showed more TIC naturally than people who have gone to many years of school to be a professional in the field of psychology.  She showed unconditional positive regard for the people and dogs in her world.  Well done Tia, I would stand beside you and work with you any day.

  The greatest thing I took away from the TIC training was that the children I work with are doing their very best, every moment of every day.  I will never know the triggers that suck them into a world of memories of the atrocious things that have happened to them.  When they act out, I need to do a better job of identifying what might be the underlying cause of the attack.  This is a lesson that most people will never get.  They don't want to get.

  I think of a lady at my grocery store who asks me for money every time I shop, year after year she stands out there in the evening asking for money to pay for her motel.  I have never once thought that she is doing the very best she can.  Maybe she grew up living motel to motel.  Perhaps she was raised by a dad who stood on the side of the road with a cardboard sign asking for money, maybe her mom told her every day of her life that she was stupid and worthless and that she would never amount to anything.  Perhaps if I considered that she was doing the absolute best that she could then my opinion would change.     I am going to challenge myself to look at the world through TIC eyes and see if I can swing wider my compassionate heart.

  I have chosen to devote my life to working with abused children, I invest my time with mentally ill, I have written to prisoners, donated my time Habitat for Humanity, gone on mission trips, written to soldiers, volunteered at an animal shelter.  My life is full of things that most people consider "charitable".  I know people who pull out their checkbook and write a check to help "fill in the blank" cause but would never put out a hand to actually work with them.  I dont know why God gave me a heftier dose of compassion but I am glad He did.  The reason we are on this earth is to connect with others, be the change we want to see.

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