
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Images in my head

 I am a self proclaimed scaredy-cat
 I never watch scary movies
 I don't particularly like suspense movies
I avoid haunted houses and I might punch you if you jump out and try and scare me.

  That kind of entertainment is not my thing.  People will say to me things like "you have never seen the Halloween movies, sing songs like 1- -2- - Freddie's coming after you, quote scenes from Psycho or say RedRum."  I always reply, I am a chicken, I have never seen that movie.  "Never, Really? Oh you have to see them" and this is usually followed by their own personal favorite horror movies.  Some of them trying to convince me that they are not really scary, just suspenseful.  Ah-ha, I have traveled down that road before.  I was bribed into watching Silence of the Lambs in college by friends who said "come on, its not scary, just suspenseful, you are in Psychology so it will really interest you."  I did watch the movie, terrified and then had to go back to my dorm room way across campus, by myself.  I came in the room and inspected every closet and open space before settling into the realization that I would not be visited by Hannibal Lector during the night.  I changed for bed and then flung back my covers and a moth fluttered out from my bed.  Needless to say, no sleep that night!  The so called "suspense" of that movie was terrifying to me.  Never again was I conned into the lure of "suspenseful".

What people don't realize is that I am o.k. with being a scaredy-cat.  I have no need to build up a tolerance to that genre.  I don't want those images in my head.  I have such an active imagination anyway that giving my brain any more ideas is like fuel to the fire.  So feel free to not  send me your list of top 10 horror movie favorites, recommend the newest trilogy of novels written by Stephen King or try and convince me that I should really try them.  I will try and not convince you that sappy, chick flick, romantic comedy's are a much better alternative to the genre that you enjoy.

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