
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Slow cooker education

Lesson learned.  When you ask your husband to turn on the slow cooker to LOW because you are already warm and comfy in your bed,  you just need to prepare for him to turn the slow cooker on to WARM and 9 hours later you wake up to a raw hunk of roast sitting in a warm slow cooker.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


My amazing husband, who one year ago was in the hospital with acute necrotizing pancreatitis has now decided that we are going to get fit.  T25 was purchased and we have started.  Who starts a fitness routine between Thanksgiving and Christmas?  Apparently we do. 

Now for those of you who don't know.  T25 is the workout routine from Beach Body.  aka Shaun T.  He is the creator of Hip Hop Abs, P90X and Insanity.  This is the latest in his dynasty of fitness. 

We are 3 days in and so far I appreciate the 25 minutes rather than an hour workout.  It is intense and I feel like a quivering blob of jelly at the end.  But this is something I can do. 

What is the worst that can happen in 25 minutes, Right?

Saturday, November 9, 2013


I had all the students write something they were grateful for.  Included them on a bulletin board.

the white things at the bottom are students who wrote on the wrong side.  There are a few in every school.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pennant decor

Teaching in the high school/ junior high,  I am trying to inspire the students to start thinking about college.  I bought a random assortment of college pennants and hung them in the classroom.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Teacher Goodie Bag

  This is the first year at the new school.  I made these for teacher in-service which begins Tuesday.

I took a Nylon bag and had a friend embroider the phrase "I teach, what's your super power". 
Included in the bag are: 
a Ziploc bag labeled Quick and Easy Lunch: Cup of Campbell soup, Ritz crackers, Tangerine and Chocolate Cake. 
Pringles in the can
Hand sanitizer
Slim Jim
Pop Rocks
Reese's peanut butter cup
Trident gum
White out
Post it note

Just a random assortment of things to let teachers know how special they are.  This profession needs more swag bags and rock star treatment.  All rock stars, celebrities, models and athletes were taught by someone that shaped them into who they are today.  Those teachers are probably still teaching somewhere, if/when I become independently wealthy, I will start giving back.  Until then, treat bags and home made cookies it is!

Bulletin Board #1 & 2

Got the first 2 bulletin boards up.  Thanks pinterest

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Let Creativity run free

I have been given an opportunity to create some posters for a school.  After spending an afternoon on You tube and Pinterest, I created these. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Meniere's Disease

  A few years ago I had sudden and overwhelming bouts of dizziness.  After a panicked trip to the doctor, I was diagnosed with Vertigo.  Weird but not life threatening.  The symptoms came and went and I managed fairly well.  I was given some medicine (which made me sleepy) and told to come back if things worsened. 

  Here is where western medicine gets it wrong.  Treat the symptom rather than the underlying cause.  A friend asked if I had Meniere's syndrome and I stared blankly at her then went home and looked it up.  The first thing I noticed was that Katie Leclerc (from the show Switched at Birth) had it.  Interesting, that is my favorite show. 

  I began reading the symptoms and checking them all.  When I read that a typical symptom was a feeling of fullness in the ears, my mouth dropped open.  I had never mentioned it to anyone, I didn't really even know how to describe it, but that was exactly what I had.  Sometimes I would get a feeling in my ears that felt like all the sound was being pushed out.  It left me unable to hear for short periods of time.  My hearing always came back but it was one of those things that I assumed everyone has, like that weird ringing in your ears that we all get sometimes (tinnitus). 

  I called my doctor and asked if this Meniere's syndrome was what I had.  He corrected me that it was a disease and stated that it was possible that I had it, the symptoms did fit nicely with the diagnosis however it was not curable and the only medicine that managed symptoms effectively was one that would lower my blood pressure significantly.  Since I already have low blood pressure, putting me on this medicine would mean he would have to pull my drivers license since I could possibly faint at any time.  That was the end of the conversation for me.  It wouldn't kill me, it is not degenerative, except for potential hearing loss, which lets be honest, if I have it or if I don't, no medicine would change that fact. 

  So here I stand with undiagnosed Meniere's and random bouts of Vertigo and hearing loss.  Last Friday I was at work and leaned over to pick up something off the floor and when I stood the wall was not where it should have been.  I knew almost instantly it was going to be a bad attack of Vertigo.  I have learned to manage them with light attacks being treated with being still for at least 20 minutes.  Bad attacks have a distinct symptom, my vision is affected, do you remember the movie Jurassic Park.   When the T-Rex takes a step and the water glass registers its vibrations.  Well that is the best explanation. The outside corners of my vision shake.  It comes in toward the middle of my eyes at its worst causing me not to want to open my eyes due to the shaking.  It is a very unsettling feeling, I have a friend with Migranes who says she gets something similar but hers is accompanied with the massive head ache.

  That concludes my thoughts on Meniere's, we shall just have to wait and see how the hearing goes.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Quick update

 Here is a quick update on all that has transpired, more to come next week.

I turned 40 in spectacular fashion and had the best party ever.  Family and friends came in from Tennessee and stuck their toes in the California soil.

Our new kitten is an adventure, I have never owned a kitten and good gravy, they are a lot of work.

I am enjoying my summer, but not planning a vacation just yet.  Well the kids go to camp tomorrow so I guess that counts as a vacation of sorts.

I will do better on the next post.  This was just easing back into the water after being away for a while.  The picture of someone walking down the steps into a pool, comes to mind.  They step onto the first step and say "oh the water is wonderful"  They step down the next two steps quickly and when they reach mid thigh they re-think why they wanted to swim.  The last step puts them in around the waist and inevitably, hands go up and a whoosh of air comes out of their mouth.  Now the tippy toeing around the the water standing as tall as possible begins.  Arms are still up in the air as if keeping them out of the water will somehow make you warmer.  Finally summoning every ounce of courage, they take the plunge and begin to swim.

That is what I will be doing this week, tip-toeing my way back into this blog.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New kitten

Someone left a 2 week old kitten in the parking lot of my work, thanks to a team of employees, she was rescued and fostered by a local vet.  We adopted her and are proud to introduce Murphy as a forever member of our home.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Planning a 40th birthday travel party

 I am planning my 40th birthday, it is a travel theme and I found these passport booklets on Oriental Trading Company.  I was able to download the seal of the United States that is on official passports and add it into the invitation for a bit of realism.

 I found postcards in bulk on Ebay and pinned them on a clothes line for decor

More photo's to come after the party.

Monday, March 25, 2013

5 pound mark

It is silly how 5 pounds lost can be the motivator to propel you forward.  I find it easier to resist sweets, I find it easier to drink the gallon of water that I drink each day.  Oh yes, I said 1 gallon, as in 16 cups, 128 ounces, 1 gallon.  Yes it means I go to the bathroom a lot! But other than that, I hear the compliment " you have such pretty skin" a lot.  There is something to be said for drinking water. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Back in Black

I am running again, hopefully I can be more careful and not break a bone this time.  I enjoy the walk/run pace that I am beginning to pick up again.  I run at night after kids are in bed and then Saturday morning before kids are awake.
 I wondered while I was running; why running clothes are mainly black.  There is the obvious slimming effect, those parts of you that jiggle are less noticible and spandex is traditionally black.  However if you run at night, you are less noticible to cars.  Good thing I have reflectors on my shoes, perhaps I will get one of those miner helmets with a light on it.
 I am just happy to be not broken and healthy enough to run. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Not one pound

Well folks, I am off to a disappointing start, at the end of my first week, I am "scale wise" exactly the same.  I feel stronger, my legs are getting into that familiar stride of walking.  I am consciously making better choices with what I put in my mouth, but the scale has not caught up.  Oh well.  I shall press on,

My next week goal is to drink more water.  This has been a key factor in weight loss in the past, it is now so.  Excuse me a moment while I down the contents of a water bottle.  We can have the discussion about water bottles versus tap/Brita water in the future.  For now I am starting with what works.  I  will see if  I can manage a gallon a day for 5 out of the next 7 days.  If I can, I will reward myself with something nice. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

And were walking

My husband and I are walking our way to fitness.  Only 2 miles tonight, last night was rainy so I challenged the elliptical.  I hung in there for 22 minutes.  Not bad for the first time back on the horse.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

First test of will

   Curse the 3 M&M's that made their way into my hand and instantly into my mouth.  I firmly believe this is how some people begin their trek into being  moderately overweight.  A handful of candy, a brownie that a co-worker made and says you have to try.  The 14 co-workers birthday's that include cake, it would be rude if you didn't partake, the half eaten grilled cheese sandwich that your 4 year old doesn't finish.  These are the things that take us down.
   My 23 pounds came from things like that.  It was deliberate.  I don't consider myself a stress eater, I don't need food for comfort, I am a supportive eater, if you are happy, I celebrate with you.  If you just got dumped by your boyfriend, I will bring over the Ben and Jerry's and have a pity party.  Baby showers, birthdays, retirement parties. . .  the list goes on.  This is where my downfall comes.  Supportive eating.  Well no more.  Forget your stinking ex-boyfriend, who cares that you got promoted or that it is girls night out.  I am on a mission.  I have exactly (wait while I count how many days until my birthday) 100 days.  Wow that was well timed, I have 100 days to reshape this body into high school shape.  Well lets not get ahead of ourselves, the C-section scars along with other surgery scars will remain, the crooked pinky toe that I broke walking past my dining room chairs will not magically correct itself back to high school shape.  But for the most part, I am on track and moving forward.

Word of caution for those of you who know me.  I will not be support eating with you for the next few months.  Yes I am aware that you are having a baby, getting married and having a birthday party, I will smile and be my charming self just without the food.

Friday, February 15, 2013

A body in motion

Today is the day I begin the quest to my high school weight. 23 pounds total, it begins now.  The first day begins with inhaling junk food I know I shouldn't eat for the next 6 to 12 weeks.  Then the planning begins, I walked a mile and a half and now I am sitting and not snacking, I want to be snacking but I am sitting.  Next on my tackle list, after I have worked back up to in walking my usual 4 miles, is it to get back on the elliptical.    After the elliptical comes . . . whoa lets not get ahead of myself.  Baby steps.  My first goal for this weekend is to not eat those things that are in direct opposition to the 23 weight loss goal.  Game on!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Crochet hook chain of events

So. . .  if I was headed for the witness protection program, I would be in good shape.  I the last 4 months I have gone through radical changes.  I cut 11 inches off my hair and donated it to Locks of Love.  I sustained an injury that halted my workout routine which led to 10 pounds ( mostly in my hips), I toured the country coast to coast (hence the crochet hook reference, I did a lot of crocheting as I sat in a minivan) and a loved one sustained a massive/ life changing illness and surgery.  That is a lot of change in 4 short months.  Que the music to I Will Survive (or whatever inspires you), I am back.  Ready to confront the things in my life that confound me, inspire me and just plain need to be discussed.
I often hear writers talk about having that block that halts the creative process.  I have not experienced that in my life, just the stuff of life which gets in the way of writing.  This has been the case, no posts, no new stories, no tweaking existing books.  Just stuff in the way.  Now I am back, reading on of my finished works, devouring other authors (you know, the published ones) and that little story line that is slowly building in the back of my brain which will some day burst forth into my next work.

  It feels like, I've been locked out of Heaven. . .  wait that is a Bruno Mars song.  No, It feels like the shackles are coming off, the blinders are falling away and the weight is being lifted off my shoulders and I can start again.  Working out, writing, growing my hair back, helping loved ones to heal.  All things I find rewarding and fulfilling.  So welcome back me, it is nice to feel familiar in my skin again.